Lidar-lite V3HP


Water level can be measured by installing pressure sensors within the water body or outside it using ranging sensors. This lidar sensor uses laser light to measure range (distances).

Monitored Parameters:

  • Water levels
  • Hazards:

  • Land and river flooding
  • ✓ Relevant to WP3 models ✓ Relevant to the EWSS


    Minimum Quantity : 3


    Sensor Properties
    Accuracy (error of the measurements) Unit of measurement Data Refresh Time (mins) Wi-Fi Connection 4G Connection External Power Supply Documentation
    0.25 cm (+/-) cm 1 False False True See available docs for Lidar-lite V3HP
    Reference Partners Project Name Project Year Reference Paper Minimum Purchase Spatial Density
    ATU MDSplus 2017 Reference paper 3 1
    Purchase operations complexity Assembly/Calibration Operations Complexity Deployment operation Complexity Deployment Cost Data Analysis Operations Complexity
    Difficult Difficult Medium Neutral
    Citizen Science Activities Complexity Assembly Public Involvement Deployment Public Involvement Data analysis Public Involvement Target Users
    Neutral Medium -The component would require arduino programming , so depends on user interest and participation ( possiblity of high engagement of high school and college students) Limited - the data acquisition system for this sensor requires work , to make it deployable in the field and save data in a sd card. There is a possiblity to integrate it within the smart citizen science kit to automate the process in the near future Medium - For now the data analysis would require basic data analysis skills, e.g in excel. There is a possibility to integrate this onto the smartcitizen science kit for automation in the near future local communities and authorities

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