DIY wave gauge


Similar to comparable commercial gauges, this low-cost DIY gauge is constructed using commercial plumbing parts, a pressure sensor, a Feather microcontroller and adapted accessories. It uses a pressure sensor to measure water levels indirectly by relating pressure to water depth. It is also possible to extract wave characteristics (e.g., wave height, wave period, wave frequency) from pressure data for wave climate assessment. These gauges are deployed in the water with a waterproof housing necessary for all but the pressure-sensing element of the sensor. A possible citizen science activity may engage local diving centres.

Monitored Parameters:

  • Water levels
  • Surface waves
  • Hazards:

  • Coastal erosion
  • Coastal flooding
  • Land and river flooding
  • Sea level rise
  • ✓ Relevant to WP3 models ✓ Relevant to the EWSS


    Minimum Quantity : 1


    Sensor Properties
    Accuracy (error of the measurements) Unit of measurement Data Refresh Time (mins) Wi-Fi Connection 4G Connection External Power Supply Documentation
    14.3 % FS Pa 5 False False False See available docs for DIY wave gauge
    Reference Partners Project Name Project Year Reference Paper Minimum Purchase Spatial Density
    UCD Low-Cost Pressure Gauges for Measuring Water Waves 2020 Reference paper 1 1
    Purchase operations complexity Assembly/Calibration Operations Complexity Deployment operation Complexity Deployment Cost Data Analysis Operations Complexity
    Very difficult Very difficult Medium Difficult
    Citizen Science Activities Complexity Assembly Public Involvement Deployment Public Involvement Data analysis Public Involvement Target Users
    Difficult Limited - The high number of components and of the type of assembly (e.g., soldering). require advanced technical skills. Vocational (technical and vocational) schools and hobby clubs can be potentially involved in the assemblying phase. Limited - the wave gauges needs to be installed on a depth of 8-10m offshore - Scuba diving centers, fisherman associations could be potentially involved in the installation phase. Limited - Advanced coding experience are required to access and manipulate data. Possible to create dashboards from 'raw' data which the public can interact with and use in dissemination activities. local groups; local authorities


    The data is saved on an integrated SD card. It is necessary to recover the sensor, get the data from the SD card and save it first locally on a computer. SCORE will provide a web application to upload this data to the SCORE sensor platform (STA).

    The device is integrated with an Arduino-based microcontroller to manage and save the data from the sensor.

    We have a comprehensive list of components available, along with information about suppliers specifically tailored to the Irish context. If you require assistance in finding the optimal choices for your country, both UCD and Dublin CCLL are ready to provide their support in identifying the most suitable options.

    The required soldering expertise involves the use of a microprocessor-controlled soldering station, along with basic skills in soldering electronics. A step-by-step guide is currently under development and will soon be accessible online to assist you with the process.

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